This video shows some of the problems I've climbed and filmed since I arrived here in Font in the end of September (unfortunately I don't get everything filmed, especially when Neil isn't around). I feel that I have really taken a step up in my climbing lately, something which I am very happy for. Partly because it's lead to me being able to do these climbs, some of them quicker than I would ever have thought. It's also made me feel confident enough to start trying harder problems. Hopefully I can keep going without injuries or other setbacks, and maybe get one or two of these ticked off...
I have got plenty of more footage, both from Font and Albarracin, so stay tuned for more videos to come and in the meantime, enjoy this!
Featured problems:
Climber in video:
Daniel Olausson
Daniel Olausson
Daniel Olausson
Neil Hart
David Löhstana - Flairer la fesse