It had bin years since the last time I tried Sur-prises when we arrived in Isatis last week, and remebering it being very hard I couldn't ever
imagine climbing it in the prevailing conditions. However, I have surprised my self a few times lately, and I did again climbing this classic
in just a few goes (Btw. Neil's legs has grown out of proportions lately, which is why he can rest his elbow on top of the boulder).
Photo: Henrik Hult.
imagine climbing it in the prevailing conditions. However, I have surprised my self a few times lately, and I did again climbing this classic
in just a few goes (Btw. Neil's legs has grown out of proportions lately, which is why he can rest his elbow on top of the boulder).
Photo: Henrik Hult.
Jävlar vad stor han e Niel.
Är helt säker på att Sur-prise är det hårdaste problemet jag testade i höstas. Kan vara det hårdaste i hela font.
Jag tror bara det är ett av dom där problemen där man måste hitta exakt hur man behöver stå för att göra movet, då känns det helt plötsligt inte så illa längre!
Neil har i alla fall hittat en intressant position åt sina fötter..
/ Henrik
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